For the last eight years conservatives have been able to say, "At least we didn't get attacked again."
We did get attacked. Financially.
First, Republicans forgot that: one, they were Republicans; 2, their base; 3, their popularity was not more important than America.
Renaming a trash dump, The (enter elected officials name) North Nowhere Recycling Facility, may get their name in the news and may make some people feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but it is self-aggrandizement at the expense of the country and it is still a trash dump.
Second, when Democrats took control of the Congress and the administration moved into the White House complex, the real financial attack on America began. LBJ and his Great Society was a piker and FDR and his New Deal was just a tad bigger compared to BHO's monster coming out of the dark and shadowing our every waking moment. Darkness at noon, so to speak,
Now, the feel-good ignorance of the last few elections is going to be the new hard reality of big government being that, big government. Big government is expensive, ineffective and totally so not cost effective. Plus it comes with bureaucratic oversight as an extra kick in the ass. Try getting your local tax bill corrected and now try to deal with any federal bureaucrat to fix any problem. After running the maze for months you will find yourself back at the beginning and having to start all over, but then it will be a newer maze.
Vocal Minority has a great article about those that got that famous tingle all up their leg and the real cost of fiscal irresponsibility.
To All You Well-to-Do Liberals/Democrats: Bend Over, Here It Comes!
Question: What do you call the driver of a BMW, Mercedes, Lexus (or any such high-end vehicle) with an Obama bumper sticker on it?
Answer: Fool. Or sucker, take your pick.
That was one of the messages on the Mark Levin Show last week. All you wealthy Blue State liberals with the big houses and fancy cars and Ivy League educations who think you participated something historic by voting for President Golden Calf: You’re about to have your tuchas handed to you by the very guy you put in office. Your taxes are going up. Your home value is going down. And it will be your fault.
It’s a textbook example of constituents voting against their best interest.
I recently visited a friend matching the above description and told him straightforwardly: You’ll be lucky if you still have this house in four years. He replied, Well, your guy [i.e., Bush] didn’t do much better!
You know what? He had a point. Toward the end, Bush was really screwing up the economy. But you know why? Because he was behaving like a Democrat! The downturn that happened in Bush’s last years in office weren’t the result of conservative economic principles! It was liberal Democrat big government socialism through and through. Even Bush said it himself: “I’ve abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system.”
The late Molly Ivins would probably have disagreed with me, but that was the stupidest thing George W. Bush has ever said as president.
Fiscal responsibility is the red headed step child in the halls of Congress. It has been so for a number of years and nobody will claim to even notice the child frantically running from hall to hall trying to knock on doors to get someone's attention.
It's time to give the little fellow a hug and invite him in.
NB ideas
3 years ago
If Republicans had been as united then as now and had shown some backbone we wouldn't be in this situation now.